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    Stone Technical Services Group Ltd

    Building Condition Surveys

    Contact Us

    As the saying goes, the first step towards fixing a problem is knowing that you have one and sometimes the only way to find out if you have a problem with your properties is with a building condition survey. So often, and sadly, we see instances of the first sign of a defect on a property is when there is a critical issue which has arisen as a result of people being blissfully unaware of the cause. A pre-emptive and planned building condition survey can eliminate this risk of huge operational interruption and of course cost!

    Our team of highly skilled and experienced operatives take a very much hands-on approach to a building condition survey. Through our wide and varied access methods i.e. Rope Access, Steeplejack Laddering, MEWP access machinery, we are able to get a physical pair of trained eyes close up on any suspected defects and even more importantly the operatives carrying out the building condition survey have experience in remedial work too so the interpretation is instant. Digital photography is captured there and then and passed through to the support team with relevant information on defects to compile a fully comprehensive report included imagery, drawings and remedial recommendations, all set out in a “traffic lights” priority system for your convenience and efficiency.