Every single property whether a building, monument, structure or bridge will encounter or develop a problem at some stage or another and will require some sort of buildings maintenance, this is simply a fact. What matters most is that you have a reliable source from which to procure the technical ability to rectify that problem.
With a nationwide coverage of highly skilled and diverse operatives that is exactly what STS Group offer. This reassurance is already being enjoyed by hundreds of clients across all sectors and of every size imaginable, and if you think that your particular issue is a little quirky or niche then even better, that is where we excel!
Our completed minor works projects could not display a broader spectrum if we tried. With water ingress being the scourge of every facilities or estates manager we have extensive experience in providing roof and rainwater goods repairs in all manner of materials.
In roof repairs, we are able to work in cast or rolled lead, copper or zinc through to felt, slate or more modern GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) solutions. In rainwater dispersal, there are few if any, systems or materials we have not repaired or replaced. Cast iron downpipes, lead-lined box gutters, secret gutters and internal systems, we have worked with them all.
Neglected window seals are also a common source of problematic water ingress and we have delivered solutions on tower block housing, schools, hospitals and council buildings ensuring that internal building investment is not destroyed by external neglect.
We particularly enjoy a challenge, so when we are contacted about a complex access arrangement for a unique or slightly odd repair we love nothing more than coming up with a fix where others have failed. Whether it’s a wonky weather vane, a broken church cross atop a spire or bird deterrent solution to a hard to access coastal monument, we are yet to be beaten!