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    Stone Technical Services Group Ltd

    Cyclical Planned Maintenance

    Contact Us

    Over the years we have found that in almost all circumstances there is nothing more effective than a pre-emptive strategy towards ongoing planned maintenance for the long-term protection of your property.

    There will always be instances where a major event is responsible for the damage to or deterioration of a building or structure, but these will not account for even a fraction of those where it can be attributed to long-term neglect or a lack of strategy and investment into the planned maintenance and upkeep of the property. We consider ourselves to be industry experts in offering advice on how to achieve this.

    One of the single biggest causes of structural and problematic damage to any property is the ingress of water to any places it should be, often caused by slow and un-noticed deterioration of a joint, seam, seal or covering which has been ignored or neglected. One of the biggest challenges to estates or property managers is identifying these defects as they occur to prevent the end result.